Itqan went to her playschool as usual though she kept on begging to stay at home with adik..."Itqan taknak gi school. Itqan nak dok umah dengan ummi. Nanti adik takde kawan...".I just had to send her to playschool to prevent her from being was not easy to get Itqan to stay away from adik coz, that's her upmost best friend...when it came for the time to apply calamine lotion to adik (just to ease her itchiness)Itqan would voluntarily offer a hand "Ummi, biar kakak tolong sapu...biar kakak tolong sapu ubat kat adik." My sweet Itqan...
Ijlal has regained her health now...As expected, it's Itqan's turn to bear the virus..., it's abi's turn now to look after Itqan...
Abi kena banyak2 bersabar, k?
Itqan & Ijlal: Loving Sisters
It is already exceeds 28 weeks of my belly swells, I can't hide it anymore behind my hijab or jubah...some of fav questions frequently asked by my students are..
1. "Cikgu, dah berapa bulan dah?"
and I will answer, "Cikgu? Cikgu anta/anti ni dah 27 tahun la!" hohoho...
2. "Cikgu, lelaki ke pompuan?"
and my answer will be; "Lorr...cikgu kan perempuan...tak nampak ke cikgu berhijab dan berjubah ni?" hehehe...
lesson learnt, gunakan struktur ayat yang betul bila bertanya cikgu? ok...hehe
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